Saturday, September 17, 2011

my quick view on jurassic park

I would have to say that I pretty much enjoyed watching Jurassic park.  The movie still holds up to this day since it was released in1993 with stunning visuals and special effects. And while yes it does differ from the book, such as Hammond getting killed by a pack of Procompsognathus, or compys as the book calls them and Muldoon surviving, instead of the other way around in the film, and the survivors wind up detained in Costa Rica. Now I know if they tried to include everything in the book the movie could of bee over 6 hours long and would have worked as an HBOS mini-series. To me I think it would have been okay to keep some of the characters in the book that were left out of the movie or given only cameos, such as Henry Wu’s only scene is with Gran, Malcolm and Ellie and Hammond in the hatchery, where as in the book he plays a larger role and ends up getting killed by a velociraptor. I don’t mind the science used in the movie either, since it’s a science fiction movie so the explanation for how they were able to extract the DNA from dinosaurs and using virtual reality to sort through the Dna is more believable since its still impossible to find dinosaur DNA in a mosquito trapped in amber let alone a large enough amount of it at the right quality to allow it to be cloned, which is still impossible to just clone directly from DNA sequences. Of course there are still plot holes in the film that are easily overlooked during the first couple watched of the movie. One major importance would be how old are the dinosaurs. I could understand the movie explaining that they were able to speed up the dinos growth cycles so they could reach maturity in half expected time, but they don’t reference that either. Again it’s much easier to overlook flaws like the one mentioned and enjoy the movie for the rich atmosphere, characters, tension, and suspense that still make this film classic.

Blogging for the fist time

This is pretty much the first blog I’ve ever posted on line. I mean aside from the usual comments on Face book and the video-sharing website, YouTube, I’ve never really taken the time to post a blog about the thoughts and ideas that tend to tumble around in my head from time to time. The only reason I can think of is because I mainly don’t think of myself as the type of person who thinks that they’re hardly able to write anything that could be considered good.  Usually during the writing portions of my English classes in middle and high school, I would often feel, lost and frustrated,because i couldnt keep up with my classmates, which would have an entire page compleated by the time I barely even had an entire paragraph finnished. Course I’ve gotten better ant my writing, much as a painter, sculptor or someone getting better at guitar. It takes a lot of practice and forcing me to take time and try to least write something. I do know that if I didn’t talk to some of my friends online I would still be very far behind and less confident in my skills with writing. So hopefully I’ll be able to keep up in my Independent studies class and be able post two blogs a week.