Monday, December 5, 2011


Well it looks like finals are already here. I had really hoped this would have been a great first semester for me but in reality I’ve been having trouble in all of my classes. That’s not to say that I don’t like them. I enjoy going to Wartburg.  Really I was just very unprepared and let time quickly get the best of me to the point that I’m not sure that I can even pass this.  I can’t blame it on my ADHD either.  I just get so nervous and stressed that I try to find something to calm me down, be it having a snack or going on to YouTube or surfing the web for what feels like only a few minutes turns out to be an hour or two. Then I when I try to write again I automatically get stressed out.  I still have so many papers and projects to write. I don’t know if I can get them done in time. I mean I will get them done, but I’m just not sure if it will be enough to raise my grade in my classes so I can pass. But I’m not going to give up, since my families is still proud of me that I was able to get in here and just because I got quickly overwhelmed doesn’t mean that I’m just going to crawl into my bed flunk out of school.  I’m going to get my entire papers don for English and IS 101 and I’m going to ace the final in Biology. I know the only  class that I will be betting an A in is Castle singers but  I would rather have one A and everything else to be low C’s and low B’s then flunking out.

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